7 Sweet Spots to Go with Your Baby This Spring
Spring is nearly here, and it’s the perfect time to take advantage of all of the fun places you can visit with your little one! So, grab their changing bag, make sure your baby is dressed for the weather and occasion, and don’t forget the sunscreen!
Once you’re ready to roll, here are 8 sweet spots to check out with your baby this spring (and how to make visiting them as stress-free as possible)!
Spring Spot #1: The Park
The park is easily one of the best places to go with a baby—there are infinite new smells, sounds, and exciting sights to see; it’s also usually a low-cost activity!
If you’re taking a newborn to the park, keep in mind that they’re particularly vulnerable to germs, and packed areas should be avoided. The open air throughout the park is a great option, though, for exploring with your baby! If you’re visiting the park with a toddler, see if it has a playground or swings they can enjoy!
2. The Grocery Store
Going to the grocery store may seem like a daunting task, especially for a new parent! They can also be one of the most accommodating places to take your baby. Your shopping cart will allow you to strap your baby’s car seat in securely, or for toddlers, they can sit in the cart while you collect the family essentials!
3. A Coffee Shop
If you’re looking for a relaxing spot for both Mom and baby, try a coffee shop after your afternoon walk to enjoy a fresh drink while your baby kicks back and takes in the sights, smells, and sounds. Keep in mind that the early morning rush at coffee shops can be hectic; it’s a good idea to go later in the morning or afternoon after your baby has been fed so they can catch a few zzz’s while you enjoy your drink.
4. The Beach
If you’re lucky enough to live near the beach and it’s a nice day, the beach is a great spot to take your baby as long as you take the proper safety precautions: sunscreen, a stroller cover, and a sun hat. Also be mindful to keep your baby out of direct sunlight and going out in the middle of the day when temperatures will be at their peak.
5. The Movies
You may be wondering how the movies is a good spot to take a baby…a room full of strangers who want silence during their flick…are we sure?! Yes! Many theaters offer special events just for children! Check your local theater to see if they offer any shows in a baby-friendly environment. Not only will they understand if your little one makes a peep, but baby-focused theater events often include lowered volume and softer lighting so your baby feels safe and comfortable.
6. The Aquarium
Do you remember your first time at the aquarium? The excitement of the colorful swimming fish can provide your baby with a variety of thrilling new experiences all at once. Many aquariums even offer free tickets for little ones—check your local aquarium to see if they do!
7. A Museum
Just because your baby doesn’t know the work of one artist from another yet doesn’t mean a museum can’t be a fun experience for both baby and Mom! Similarly to the aquarium, a museum offers a huge assortment of sights, smells, sounds, and new experiences that will stimulate your child. Many museums even offer special interactive exhibits just for little ones.
It doesn’t just have to be an art museum either – there are lots of science and discovery museums which have interactive exhibits for young children.
No matter where you go on your adventures this spring, with Shoespenders, we always make sure your babies shoes and socks find their way home where they belong for your next adventure!